Embark Energy: MyBusinessPlan Apps

MyBusinessPlan 2.0.1
The MyBusinessPlan App allows for off line -on the go - easy access for MyBusinessPlan users. Now you can takeyour business plan with you and adjust your financials, executivesummary and much more while you are traveling, staying late at aconvention or for that last minute preparation. To have full usageof this free app you must be a MyBusinessPlan user – this app hasinstructions on how to sign up and become a MyBusinessPlan user.MyBusinessPlan-MegaWatt is a one-of-a-kind software toolproviding in-depth guidance and a comprehensive template to planyour clean energy business, draft a business plan, prepare afinancial model and create an investment proposal. Developed byEmbark Energy, MyBusinessPlan reflects industry best practicesgained from working with thousands of energy enterprises all overthe world and is especially relevant for businesses meetinghousehold energy needs in emerging markets.MyBusinessPlan is entirely practical, designed to reflectentrepreneurs’ hands-on approach to business creation. Follow shortlessons. Compare detailed real world examples side by side. Butspend most of your time building your business plan and financialmodel with the help of easy to follow, step-by-step instructions,audio summaries and templates.After completing your draft, you’ll have access to EmbarkEnergy’s world class business coaching and financial match-makingservices. We’ll take a good plan and make it stand out from thecrowd. We’ll bypass the gatekeepers and put it directly in front ofpotential investors.With MyBusinessPlan-MegaWatt, you receive access to:• 10 lessons distilling the best of two decades’ experience inclean energy enterprise creation• Detail rich, inspiring sample plans• A user friendly proposal authoring, editing and export tool thatstays with you as your business plan evolves• An intuitive, “no finance, no formulas” tool for preparingfinancial projections• The MyBusinessPlan web-based version (mbp.embarkenergy.com) forwhen you want more screen space to work on your plan; you can alsowork off-line and sync data when you reconnect to the web.• A responsive support team• Membership in a global network of clean energyentrepreneurs• One free half hour of business coaching by Skype• A certificate of completionMyBusinessPlan-Watt is the do-it-yourself version ofMyBusinessPlan-Megawatt, a software tool for creating clean energybusiness plans. Offered by Embark Energy, MyBusinessPlan reflectsindustry best practices gained from working with thousands ofenergy enterprises all over the world and is especially relevantfor businesses meeting household energy needs in emergingmarketsMyBusinessPlan-Watt is designed to reflect entrepreneurs’hands-on approach to business creation. It provides a step by steptemplate to create a business plan and create professionalfinancial statements with Embark’s “no-finance, no formulas” tool.Export your plan to share it with others.MyBusinessPlan-Watt includes a limited demo of the fullMyBusinessPlan-MegaWatt version; explore Step 2 for a demonstrationof the additional features. Upgrade your Watt account at any timeand receive credit for your purchase.